Trauma-Informed Massage

At Awakening Healing Center LLC, I understand the profound connection between trauma and mental health, and the pivotal role massage therapy plays in addressing these interconnected issues. Trauma-informed massage is a holistic approach that integrates an understanding of trauma's impact on the body and mind into the massage practice. By creating a safe, non-judgmental space and employing gentle, empowering touch, trauma-informed massage can help alleviate the physical and emotional manifestations of trauma. It can foster a sense of safety and connection, reduce anxiety and depression, and restore a client's trust in their body. I am trained to recognize signs of trauma and respond with compassion and sensitivity, supporting our clients' mental health journey as an integral part of their healing process.

Benefits of Trauma-Informed Massage
Trauma-informed massage therapy offers a myriad of benefits for individuals who have experienced trauma. By creating a safe and supportive environment, trauma-informed massage can help clients feel empowered and regain a sense of control over their bodies. This type of massage can also alleviate physical tension and release emotional stress stored in the body, leading to a reduction in anxiety and hypervigilance. Moreover, trauma-informed massage therapists are trained to communicate clearly, set boundaries, and provide options, which can help clients rebuild trust and feel more at ease during the session. Ultimately, trauma-informed massage promotes healing on a holistic level, addressing both the physical and emotional effects of trauma.